An Update (OCEAN vs NoOne)

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Guild: [«+»] Judgement / [OCEAN]
Galaxy: Lyra

An Update (OCEAN vs NoOne)

Postby Battle_ » Sat 11 Apr, 2020 02:52

For those who weren't around to see it, this is an update on what transpired a couple weeks ago:

1) NoOne 12.4bil vs OCEAN (LAL+TRI+Judgement) 10.3bil.
2) NoOne suffer a series of bannings resulting in the sides evening to ~10bil each.
3) NoOne actives launch synced through the L50 WH to L11 (OCEAN blob galaxy). OCEAN does not contest landing on the WH, which closes.
4) NoOne launch from old WH to their L11 JG, partially synced with DS stack going straight to the old OCEAN blob which has some inactos. OCEAN contests landing on the L11 JG.
5) First landing is killed, OCEAN holding the line as more people log in to help contest the unsynced fleets.
6) In the next waves of fleets landing, NoOne Bert manages to launch to the old OCEAN blob. Lands and kills inactos before being derbed. DS stack landing on the old blob also derbed. NoOne recs and other fleets recalled to the WH eaten.
7) End result: OCEAN 5.4bil vs NoOne 3.4bil + 1bil from players leaving NoOne to reform Curse. Many NoOne active players involved in the crash deleted after.
8) Profit. Multiple derb piles with the main one over 6bil.

Sidenote: While some NoOne banned players/JG accounts I was unsurprised by, there were others I did not have any reason to believe had been anything but honest (albeit annoyingly good) in their gameplay. Either way, one of the most fun/biggest crashes I've been involved in and props to everyone on both sides for participating and showing that even a dead server can have a little kick of life.

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